Trunk or Treat

Crowley First United Methodist Church 509 Peach St., Crowley, TX, United States

Messy Church

Fellowship Hall 509 Peach St., Crowley, TX, United States

Blue Christmas Service

Crowley First United Methodist Church 509 Peach St., Crowley, TX, United States

As the holiday season approaches, we recognize that this time of year can bring feelings of sadness and grief rather than joy for many. We understand that the holidays may feel heavy, and your heart may be burdened with loss or heartache. We invite you to a special Blue Christmas service, where we can come […]

Christmas Eve Service

**You're Invited to Christmas Eve Worship!** Join us for a special evening of celebration and reflection as we gather for Christmas Eve worship. **When:**In-person and online at 6:00 PMIn-person only at 11:00 PM Whether you join us from the comfort of your home or come to worship with us in person, we look forward to […]

Celebration Sunday

Crowley First United Methodist Church 509 Peach St., Crowley, TX, United States

Celebrating the end of the Step out in Faith Campaign One combined worship service on this Sunday. Long-time leaders will be celebrated in worship. Lunch to follow. Our District Superintendent, Rev Philip Rhodes will be here to preach!

Scout Sunday

This service will only be during the Modern service. Traditional service will be our usual worship experience.

Mission Sunday

Rev Margret Fields will preach at both services about the Liberia Trade School the Project-44 Ministries is building in Africa. We will be collecting supplies for the school and will be sending more information out soon,