Crowley Adult Sunday School
The heart of our adult minstry program are the adult classes that meet each Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. Contact
-Common Ground Class: Room #607 in the Founder’s Wing
This is a multi-generational class that focuses on learning more about personal spiritual formation.
-Friendship Class: Room #402 / across from the Church Office
This class is composed of a large group of 40-70+ year olds who focus on systematic Bible and topical study and fellowship activities.
-Progressive Class: Room #404 / across from the Church Office
The class is composed of a large group of 40-70+ year olds who focus on Bible study and group discussion. This class also has several fellowship activities during the year.
-Promise Keepers Class: #604 in the Founder’s Wing
This class is composed of 50-70+ year olds who focus Bible study and group discussion and sharing.
Contact Pat Esterline for more information.

United Women in Faith
United Methodist Women is an organization of women who serve, disciple, and put Faith, Hope, and Love in Action. Visit for more information.
For more information, contact Pat Esterline at

United Methodist Men
United Methodist Men is a group of men who serve, disciple, love and grow together. We meet on the 3rd Monday evening of every month at 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall or at an announced location. We host 5-6 lunch events each year in support of various ministries of the church. We also sponsor a craft fair and a community Garage Sale. Please visit for more information about United Methodist Men.

Golden Eagles Ministry
Golden Eagles is a gathering of “cool seniors” that meets each month on the first and third Thursdays at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall for fellowship and a fun activity, field trip, or an interesting guest speaker’s presentation. A potluck lunch is served. Everyone YOUNG or OLD is welcome! Our group has a lot of “SALT” (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly!)